Radio, Press, Planetary Group, and Red Bull
Because we’re lazy, and because they are good, we’re pleased to have teamed up with Planetary Group in LA to promote our new record to Press and Radio. We’ve done the DIY thing before, with OK results (hey, my last band Instar even got a positive mention from NME in the UK that way) but it is an EPIC PAIN to contact a zillion magazines, figure out who’s the right contact, package up CDs, follow up / repeat repeat repeat. Much nicer to have our Red-Bull fueled pals over at Planetary Group work their magic mojo for us.

Yeah, we're not making them like this.
First press packages just went out which means… which means… we’ll be waiting around for a few months. The record needs to land on music reviewers desks, then they take a listen, write up some stuff, and the magazines finally get printed and shipped. It’s hilariously slow and pre-web, like a nice home-cooked meal vs chewing on a handful of sugar cubes.
So, figuring we need at least two months lead-time for the mags, we have an Official Release Date for the Too Late for Roses album “Debut” of June 1, 2010. Ta da!
» Hear Some of the Music
» Check out the Album Art
Radio is different, of course – it’s very real-time. We’re super stoked to have been added on 34 stations, with 3 stations reporting spins in the first week, and one charting @ #29 (thanks, WXCU, Columbus Ohio). Can’t wait for next week’s report…
Download our new free EP at – free mp3s of new california rock music